Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday: Charging Station

This week I'm featuring a charging station tutorial from Sew-Mad.

When my cell phone is charging
it generally has to sit
on my kitchen or bathroom counter
in order to be out of reach of little hands.
And I'm always worried that it will get wet.
This charging station would solve that problem perfectly!

What a brilliant idea!
You can find the tutorial here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tutorial Tuesday: Valentine Boxes

Valentine's Day is next week!
Some of you, like me, may have children
who are supposed to decorate their own Valentine box.

There's always a contest for the best box,
so we feel some pressure to do something extra special.
Here are some fun ideas from my Valentine's Day page on Pinterest!

I absolutely love this Monster Box!

These cereal box Valentine holders are easy to make.

This basketball Valentine hoop is so fun, and this link has several other ideas too.

Source: susiej.com via Rosie on Pinterest

This crocodile box is another one that would be easy to make, but is super cute.

Another really cute monster box!

My son won the Valentine box contest with this Ipod Valentine box!

Source: borskys.blogspot.com via Rosie on

And this year he wants to make some sort of video arcade Valentine box like this, I guess we'll see if we can pull it off!

Source: melarky.com via Rosie on Pinterest